Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Rewriting Hebrews 4:1-11 to a Contemporary Audience 
From the very beginning, God has always have it in mind to give His children rest from their labours and struggles against Sin and control of Satan which came as a result of the fall of man. However, while awaiting the fulness of time, God had to use the nation of Israel to illustrate how the ultimate rest will be like. Israel's experience of slavery in Egypt, God's promise of a place of rest for them and their eventual deliverance were all part of an illustration of the ultimate salvational rest. 
The promise of a place of rest for Israelites was the good news that illustrated the promise of heavenly rest that God has gave His children. Since this promise of rest was part of a covenant, it's fulfilment was based on the condition of 'belief and obedience'. Unfortunately, out of several hundreds of thousands of people who were delivered from Egypt, only two people (Joshua and Caleb) fulfilled the condition of belief and obedience. That means, just those two entered into the physical place of rest God promised them. 
Remember, God was just using His dealings with Israelites as an illustration of His ultimate Salvation. Now the danger is that, people are looking at that promise only as the physical land of Canaan and conclude that God had already fulfilled that promise when Joshua took the Israelites into Canaan which today is the land occupied by Israel and Palestine. 
Now, this is the real truth: the promise of a place and experience of rest that God gave His people was a spiritual and heavenly promised-land and since what Joshua gave the Israelites was physical, it therefore means that, the promise of real spiritual and heavenly rest still stands today and it can only be gotten through Jesus Christ. However, note this strong warning: just as those Israelites who heard the first good news of the promise could not encounter it because of their unbelief which manifested in their disobedience, there is still the danger that many of God's people today would miss the encounter of the promise of spiritual and heavenly rest because of unbelief. (Please note: when I say 'unbelief', I do not mean that the Israelites did not agree with the fact that God sent Moses; or that Christians today do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God; rather, 'unbelief' in this context means: the character of those Israelites and Christians today do not reflect what they confessed as their belief. This is what would make Christians miss the spiritual and heavenly promise). 
There is the possibility that some people today may have the repentance and born again experience and miss the heavenly rest, which is the ultimate salvation, because the profession of their belief do not show in the character of love for God, love for man and obedience to God.

 For this reason, let us strive to qualify for the real spiritual and heavenly rest of God.  Let us strive by putting our flesh under spiritual discipline; by carefully avoiding disobedience so that we would not also miss the promise of rest like those disobedient Israelites did. The phrase 'strive to enter' indicates that: although God has already provided the heavenly rest by grace; it does not mean that we can live carelessly and expect to walk into the heavenly rest - building a vibrant relationship with God requires hard work. Some people on the other hand can also make the unbalanced mistake of seeing this promise as only in the future, i.e when we get to heaven. However, the Holy Spirit, several hundred years after Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan, spoke through David concerning another day of rest, calling it "Today". 

In Psalm 98:7,8 David referred to the incident where the ancient Israelites rebelled against God when they asked for water and caused Moses to miss the Canaan rest. David ended by saying, 'Today, if you hear God's voice, do not harden your hearts as your fathers did'. That means, although the ancient Israelites hardened their hearts and missed the promised rest, God did not cancel the rest, He only prevented those set of people from entering; there is still another opportunity today. You can still experience rest from struggles of Sin and control of Satan today, not until you get to heaven. 
Someone can experience a life of victory over Sin and Satan's manipulations like worries, fears and doubts while here on earth; it is possible to come to that point in one's life that he says, "although I cannot avoid the storms of life, yet, I can avoid Satan using any of those storms to cause me to worry, doubt, fear or sin against God". When one gets to that point, he can say that he has ceased from struggling against Sin and Satan. In fact, even Satan himself takes a break from trying to tempt him, at least for a season. So, while we await the eternal rest in heaven, we can still experience a bit of that heavenly rest while on earth. This promise of heavenly rest is still open for and to any child of God who will grab it.